Resource Centre

Cybersecurity in numbers

With the spread of digitalisation in different industries, businesses and general services, cybercrime increased.

Cybercrime gaining ground dangerously.

While the estimated cost of cybercrime in 2013 was $ 300 billion, estimations say in 2021, cybercrime costs approximately $6,000,000,000,000 worldwide..

In other words:

  • $190,000 in every Second
  • $684,900,000 in every Hour
  • $16,416,000,000 in every Day
  • $499,320,000,000 in every Month

If cybercrime were a country, it would be the third-biggest economy, after the USA and China.

Does cybercrime affect me too?

Beyond the numbers, it is pretty straightforward and inevitable that almost everyone will be a cyberattack victim at least once in the coming years. We can focus on prevention to minimise the risk and the possible damage of a potential cyberattack.

PTechnology offers you a solution by making your most important calls, messages and documents inaccessible to others.

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